How to implement User Defined Functions using trash API

In the previous post, we have seen implementing User defined functions using get API.
Let’s check how to use the trash API to put unwanted data in a trash using the User Defined Function.


We will again use the StudentInformation type from the previous post.
Here is a trashStudentInfo function to put a record of a Student in trash. It uses the trash API to trash the details.

type Mutation {
trashStudentInfo( type: HypiMutationType! arcql: String! ): Int! @tan(type:Groovy, inline: """return trash(type, arcql)""")

*** Use of the StudentInformation object as one of the UDF parameters.

Let’s execute the function.

mutation {
  trashStudentInfo(type:StudentInformation,arcql: "'01FQNKWHFY409AG458YCQ36RV9'")
  "data": {
    "trashStudentInfo": 1