Social login in Hypi

How can we implement social login with Hypi?

That is an upcoming feature, there’s no documentation for it yet. It is currently in production in preview mode, we can invite you to this.

Note that we have released support for OAuth2 login. The general steps involved are:

  1. Create an OAuthProvider (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn etc)
  2. Send the user to<instance ID>-

instance ID is the ID of your Hypi app instance and OAuthProvider ID is the ID of the OAuthProvider created in step 1.
The user will be taken to the provider e.g. Google and when they’ve logged in, they will be taken to the URL you provided in the hypiSuccessRedirectUri field of the OAuthProvider created in step 1. There will be a token query string parameter in the URL that has the token you can use to make API requests as this user.

See the documentation for full options at